Start Here: A Neurotech Reading List

Neurotechnology is a complex, fast-moving space.

Like a kaleidoscope, what you see depends on where you’re looking, what you’re looking for, and how long you’ve been staring. Below is our non-exhaustive, curated reading list for those who are new to this exciting field. The resources below have helped us tremendously over the last year and come highly recommended. Subscriptions required where indicated.

We welcome suggestions for additional reading materials or other resources and will refresh this page from time to time.

  • Neurotech Reports - The OG industry site for news, perspectives, and research. Skews towards medtech. Subscription required but has a good free newsletter.

  • NeurotechX - The largest global neurotech community dedicated to education maintains several useful resources, including an active newsletter, job board, Slack channel, and more.

  • BrainMind Educational Programs - BrainMind’s hub includes excellent resources about neuroethics and Brain-Computer Interfaces. Their broader work includes events, educational programming, and other initiatives worth checking out.

  • The State of Neurotech - Dataroot Labs’ October 2023 report includes high-level analysis, a market map, and a table of dozens of startups around the world.

  • Emerging Space Brief: Neurotechnology - Pitchbook’s August 2023 report provides a useful snapshot overview of startup funding trends.

  • Neurotechnology Market Analysis - The Neurorights Foundation’s March 2023 report is a great starting point, with a market forecast and several company profiles.

  • SKRAPS podcast - A smart, fun, and plain-English discussion series hosted by Dr. Arun Sridhar and JoJo Platt, this podcast series covers frontiers in bioelectronic medicine and the business and science of neurotech through a human lens.

  • Sizing the Brain - Deloitte’s Feb 2023 global overview of the neuroscience market offers a one-stop shop for various quantitative data spanning tech, clinical, pharma spend.

  • Fixing the Brain - The Economist’s Sept 2022 Technology Quarterly issue offers in-depth reporting on neuroscience research, drug development, interface technology, and more. Subscription required.

  • IEEE Spectrum - Some of the best analysis and reporting on the science and technology underpinning neurotechnology. A great site for rabbithole exploration.

  • Neurotechnology: A Smarter Giving Guide - In Feb 2022, the Milken Institute and BrightFocus Foundation produced this overview for non-profit investors interested in brain research.

  • iHuman: Neural Interfaces - The Royal Society published this comprehensive analysis in 2019. Despite myriad developments since then, this remains a terrific and relevant resource.

  • OECD Neurotechnology Toolkit - a thorough primer and appendix loaded with Neuroethics guidance for governments, institutions, non-profits, and companies interested in responsible development.

  • Differential Neurotechnology Development - Milan’s primer is a must-read, for its broad lens on what “neurotechnology” entails, as well as the development timelines, cited examples past and present, and above all the clear writing. (read more here)

  • DARPA Neurotechnology: The Deep Dive - A thorough history of DARPA’s involvement and funding of neurotechnology development in the US.

  • From the Interface - Pooja Rao’s blog contains original market analysis, specific topical teardowns, clear writing, and nifty graphics.

Last updated May 2024